Italian and Northern Renaissance Blog



The painting above is the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. The picture above is the restored version, completed in 1999 (Zelazko).  Ludovico Sforza commissioned Leonardo da Vinci for the Last Supper in 1495 (Zelazko).  The painting takes place on Holy Thursday, right before Jesus is crucified.  Jesus is having one last meal with his 12 disciples. The Medici family did commission Leonardo da Vinci for paintings (Art and Patronage).

Art Elements,  I really enjoy the linear perspective that is presented,  it has a sense of depth even though it is a two dimensional painting.  The painting has balance with the background and the table, however, there is subtle differences on the left and right side.  The table cloth pattern on the left side is faded and the left table legs look weathered.  The patterns between the black rectangles are also different on each side.  I also noticed that the clothing that most of them are wearing primary colors, with varying hues, there a few that have tan colors, which is an additive color.  I also like the shapes that are formed,  each shape is well defined and each person is unique.

What about the presentation?

 In my view, there are groups of people having similar reactions to the news that Jesus announced.  Four people on the left, looking at Jesus look distraught and paying close attention to Jesus.  The three to the right of Jesus looks like they are trying to console him.  The 3 on the far right looks like they are having an argument as to who would betray him based on the hand gestures.

Would you own a copy of it?

  I wouldn't mind owning a copy of it someday.

How do you relate to it?

It reminds me of the last thanksgiving that I had with my dad. My cousin prepared a plate full of Turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy and green beans.  My dad had the biggest smile on his face once saw it.  


 Art and Patronage,

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Da Vinci, Leonardo. Last Supper. 1498, Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan.

Zelazko, Alicja. "Last Supper". Encyclopedia Britannica, Invalid Date, Accessed 15 February 2021.

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  2. James,

    I too enjoy this piece. I have always admired how your eye is immediately drawn toward Jesus. The perspective that da Vinci used with a long table in front and a corridor behind creates depth and draws the viewers gaze to the center. I find this painting to be very harmonious and balanced, my eyes are drawn to the triangles that I find in the painting. Jesus is painted in a triangular shape. The entire feast even has a triangular notion, with the long table in front and the center window in back. Great choice! We cannot discuss the Renaissance with discussing "The Last Supper".


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