

File:Atlas holding up the celestial globe - Guercino (1646).jpg 

The oil painting Atlas holding up the celestial globe above was done by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri in 1646.  Atlas is having to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders.  This painting is a symbolization of scientific knowledge.  Mazen Asfour, from the University of Jordan, claimed Barbieri drew inspiration from the Greek myth of Atlas and correlated him to Galileo.  Galileo was persecuted and punished for claiming the Earth orbited the sun, thus Galileo alone had to endure the weight of his discovery (Asfour).

 The art elements I like about the Atlas painting is the linear perspective, it is like Atlas is leaning over right in front of me.  I also enjoy the Illusion of light creating a shadow across Atlas and the bottom portion of the sphere.  There is also tenebrism present in this painting,  the background has a darker value, which brings more focus to Atlas and the sphere.  I feel crushed just looking Atlas.

Would you own a copy of it? 

I would like to own a copy of it.

Is there a backstory to this work, and if so, how do you relate to it?  

Atlas is being punished for leading the titans against Olympus (Cartwright).  After the titans lost the battle against the gods of Olympus, Zeus punished Atlas to hold the heavens for eternity (Cartwright).  I can relate Atlas by my class load this semester.  Five classes is not a fun load, I'm barely able to turn assignments in on time.


Cartwright, Mark. “Atlas.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 23 Feb. 2021,

Asfour, Mazen. (2019). ‫‬ 17th Century Dialogue between Art and Science.The effect of the Scientific         Contributions of Galileo on Late Renaissance and Baroque Art. 10.13140/RG.2.2.34428.08322.


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